NEW: Guide to Wellesley Pickleball Survey: GUIDE

Pickleball art
Hopper, Edward. Pickleball Hawks. 1942, oil on canvas. Art Inst. of Chicago.

Help us maintain and grow the sport of pickleball in the community of Wellesley so people of all ages can play at our town courts. For additional information, please contact:, And check out our confusing pickleball rules page and our resources page.

Additional Wellesley Courts

BIG WIN FOR PICKLEBALL: One of our main goals is to support the town in its efforts to bring more pickleball courts to Wellesley. At its November 2023 Town Meeting, members approved $70,000 in funding "To establish criteria and determine feasibility for siting picklelball courts in Wellesley." Options include dedicated pickleball courts at Morses Pond, at Hunnewell Field and other locations around town.

Upcoming Town Meetings of Note

Date Time Department Location Details
25 March 2024 TBD Town Meeting Middle School We hope that, based on the results of the PB court feasibility study currently underway, funding for up to 14 new courts will be approved.
Pickleball Impressionist painting
Renoir, Pierre-Auguste. Les Joueuses de Pickleball. 1881, oil on canvas. La Louvre, Paris.